Tag: Stonehaven

August 16, 2017 (day 11 of 15)

Ardoe House Hotel, Aberdeen 🇬🇧

Suicide, murder and betrayal is a very real part of the hotel’s past and the cause for its incredible amount of paranormal activity.

Dunnottar Castle, Stonehaven 🇬🇧

Situated near Stonehaven, this 14th century coastal castle is said to be home to several frequently sighted ghosts. The most common of which is the spirit of a young girl wearing a plaid dress spotted in the brewery. The guardroom is said to be haunted by a Nordic-looking man, who paces around the room.

Edzell Castle, Brechin 🇬🇧

The castle is said to be haunted by a ‘White Lady’, reputedly the spirit of Catherine Campbell, second wife of David Lindsay, 9th Earl of Crawford.